Saturday 10 September 2011

New Vlog

This vlog is all about my Matt and Karen autographs (see last blog update) Also we take a little walk in the countryside! Don't miss it!

Matt Smith Autograph

"To Steph "Gotcha" Matt Smith xxx"

I wrote to Matt Smith just over a year ago now. After this long I simply thought it had got lost in the post or he was too busy to send a reply, until I received this (Above) in the post yesterday. It was such a surprise, I came home from college early and saw that no one had looked at the post, I picked it up sifted through it and saw an envelope written to my handwriting, then I remembered! I tried to stay calm as I teared it open, and my god, I can honestly say I have never screamed so loudly in all my life! It was truly amazing. I received Karen Gillan's autograph about two months after i sent the letters (Below), i'm guessing she was less busy than Matt. I have already framed Karen Gillan's and it is currently on my wall, I shall have to do the same for Matt Smith's and have them hung up together!
"To Steph, love Karen Gillan (Amy Pond) xx"
If you'd like to get an autograph from pretty much any celebrity, go to and type the name of the celebrity into the search engine. Once you have the address simply send your fan mail along with a stamped envelope with your address on for return and wait! It really is as easy as that, and all at the cost of two stamps, defiantly worth it.