Monday 29 August 2011

Guinea Pigs

Well when you get rabbits, you have to get guinea pigs to go with them. Meet Henry, Oscar and George, three tan/brown and white guinea pigs, at only 12weeks old they are still very shy so photos will follow later when i can get some decent photographs and not just tops of heads and ends of noses. As all three are very similar colours we have to pick out very specific features on each of them, so we can tell them apart. Henry has a smooth coat and a little whit stripe down the back of his head and he is mostly brown all over. George has a rosette style 'fro' on his head that's white and a little white stripe which goes all the way round his right ear. Then Oscar has the rosette thing again but that's the only bit, no stripes on him, and he has a much more white and tan mottled look.

Freddie and Jimmy are getting on really well, and the piggy's really love to cuddle up to Freddie when they are a little frightened because of his huge bunny fluff!

...Photographs to Follow...

Video Coming Soon

I'm so excited about this video I've been working on over the past few days, in between working and what not. I don't want to give anything away, but it's defiantly going to be one of my best YouTube videos so far. So excited!

Friday 19 August 2011

Vlogging is fun

I've made a vlog! I had some serious technical issues, but they are all sorted now and i managed to find some really good video editing software which is perfect for what i want! Greatly appreciate it if you guy would check out my YouTube channel, only a couple of video's have been uploaded but never fear, more to come!

Check it out by clicking here

Much appreciated

Friday 12 August 2011

Circus Bunnies?

As a progression from Freddie and Jimmie's training I've been getting them to lean on a willow ball (which was new today). They learnt this trick really fast, as It's very similar to their previous tricks I think they found it much easier.

Freddie was very good at it too, however Jimmy seemed to take up most of the ball so Freddie didn't really get the chance (plus he was a bit worried about the camera).

Jimmy the Clown

Wednesday 10 August 2011

The Red Arrows

Today at Minehead, Butlins, the Red Arrow display team put on an amazing performance. We went onto the moor and watched from further away, which was amazing because you could really appreciate how fast and how far they were traveling. 
Unfortunately this isn't my picture (I forgot my camera)
But an almost identical display from
where I could see.
It was a lovely sunny day and we sat and had a picnic in the car whilst watching the performance overhead, it was good fun. Up on the moor it was a bit windy but that didn't put us off getting a Hockings ice cream!

Back to Square One

As much as technology is, and can be totally amazing, today I have quite simply had the urge to throw my computer out of the window.

I wanted to make a Vlog, it was filmed without a hitch, great! But then came the editing software. Apparently the program I wanted to edit my film in didn't accept the format I had filmed it in. So we used an 'encoder' to change the format, but that was still unacceptable after many different attempts. As they say 'if all else fails'. I then thought I could just change my editing software, I go to download a new program, which takes forever to download... it finally happens and an error appears saying I have to restart the whole installation.

Back to square one.

Monday 8 August 2011

Vlogging temptations

Vlogging, as I have previously spoken about, is something I'm really interested in going into. I Really fancy doing YouTube vlogs but I'm holding back because I don't know if I could actually do them, I mean I know how to make videos, but there is so much to learn about how to make  good videos, let alone how to make good vlogs, that's a whole other ball game apparently. Also I have a feeling I would run out of things to vlog about after a while, although most vloggers I watch post a video once a week or so. The temptation is defiantly there but I'm not sure, something I'll think about for now.

Sunday 7 August 2011

Heyhihello :)

I've just discovered this band on YouTube called 'heyhihello' and they're super cool, listen to them FOR FREE here: You'll love them, trust me on this one! :)

Bunny Clicker Training

I've seen some videos on YouTube of clicker training with rabbits, a strange concept but it actually works! I knew it would be a great idea for my rabbits Freddie and Jimmy. I thought I should try and start with something simple, so as my bunnies are only 12weeks old I thought I'd do a simple 'touch' which is done with a dog in the same way, you offer your hand, the animal goes to sniff it out and you click and treat! So i did this for a few days with both Freddie and Jimmy and they were getting very good and moving from left to right to touch my hand, it was brilliant....and very cute! The next step was something a bit more challenging, a 'beg' as many people call it with dogs. This is where the animal reaches up onto its back legs and 'begs' some people also call it 'be a bear' (for obvious reasons) Proceeding from the 'touch' I got the rabbits to touch my hand higher up over their head, bit by bit, and a click and treat when they got onto their back legs. After a while they were hopping up to me and going into the 'beg' all by themselves and all for a few rabbit pellets and greens!
Freddie seems rather keen!
(Freddie left, Jimmy right)

The boys doing perfect 'begs'
(Freddie left, Jimmy right)

Saturday 6 August 2011

The National Lottery......FAIL

So I didn't win the lottery in which I had such high expectations of. It was my first ever lottery ticket, traditionally I should of brought one on my 16th Birthday however I....forgot, so I did it halfway through my 17th year on earth and failed miserably.

On the other hand if i had of won I would be booking a holiday with all my friends right now...I'm thinking Dubai? Or maybe the Caribbean? Then i would of paid for Uni outright and life would be good in general.....but that didn't happen!

But it was the excitement of the whole lottery thing that counts, and that beautiful moment when you've just brought your ticket and you think: 'What if I actually DID WIN!' and for about two minutes your convinced that you have the winning ticket until you realize how daft that actually is.

Never mind. Maybe next time?

So...This is blogging?


Well i'm Stephanie, and this is a blog. Yes, you knew that much, sorry I'm new at this so take it easy on me!

I have been tempted many times before to start blogging, as a hobby, time waster, or even a good source of procrastination. The only thing holding me back before is that, no one would read I came to the conclusion that by sitting wondering if I would get anyone reading my blogs was not going to make it happen, and the rest as they say is history!

Most of my blogs, if i so continue to do them...which hopefully i will, will consist of what amazing adventures I get up to in daily life. So far its not an awful lot, however it's never too late for an adventure to being, so I'm going to sit it out until it does.

So yesterday in the post I received two rather exciting items, firstly my Chameleon Circuit album 'Still Got Legs' arrived! It's so good, I'm a huge fan of all Alex, Charlie, Liam, Edd and Michael's Vlogs on YouTube and I'm very impressed with the music they've created, 'Everything is Ending' seems to be my favorite song at the moment, It's on repeat rather loudly booming out my stereo, iPod and any other device I can get it out of! Anyway moving on, the other rather exciting thing that came in the post was tickets for a Peter Andre concert with my sister, and before you say it i know, he's not the best of singers and i myself cannot say I'm his biggest fan, but my sister can, so I'm going along with her. I say I'm not his biggest fan but what i really mean is that I'm not his biggest music fan, i really love him as a person and i'm totally addicted to his reality TV shows, but I don't think music was really his strong point.

This afternoon I have been pining after Doctor Who. The second half of the sixth series is taking it's time to come around and I am very excited to see what's going to happen to poor baby pond...or should I say River now?

Hope you've enjoyed my VERY FIRST blog.